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Learn to Swim
Ages 4-11

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Ollie Octopus

Stage 1

These lessons are for children without their grown up in the water. There is a maximum of four children per class, ensuring lots of teacher attention whilst still having fun learning new skills with their swimming friends. 


Swimmers will learn how to stay safe in and around the water, enter and exit the water safely, submerge, form streamline positions in the water by learning how to push and glide, to float on their back including how to perform a safety float, and swim a distance of five metres on their front and back without the use of floating aids.

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Cleo Clownfish

Stage 2

Once children are happy putting their face in the water and can confidently swim five metres on their front and back without the use of floating aids, they will move to Stage 2.


These lessons have either four or six children per class, teacher still in the water to demonstrate and support.


Children will work towards kicking proficiently and swimming 10 metres on front and back without the use of swimming aids. Push and glides will also be an emphasis throughout this stage, as will an introduction to all four strokes with a focus on a different stroke every two weeks.

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Daniel Dolphin

Stage 3

Swimmers who are able to swim front crawl and backstroke for around 10 metres, and breaststroke and dolphin kick for around five metres, will move to Stage 3.


Here they will focus on developing their streamline position and how this can be used with all strokes including rotations. Children will work towards swimming 25 metres on the front and the back with a good kicking technique and breaststroke and butterfly for 10 metres.

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Oscar Orca

Stage 4

Swimmers will develop an understanding of buoyancy through a range of skills. They will focus on refining kicking techniques for all strokes and developing their arm and breathing technique for all four strokes. Swimmers will work towards swimming 50 metres front crawl and backstroke, and 25 metres breaststroke and butterfly.

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